Dedicated Internet

Dedicated Internet Access (DIA) allows a client to connect from their location to the public Internet. DIA is different from broadband, or DSL services, in that with DIA there are guarantees provided by the carrier that the service will be up and running (DSL and Broadband have no such guarantees). DIA has two parts: a local loop (most often provided by the LEC), and the Internet Port. The local loop is the “access” from the Central Office to the client location. The Internet Port is the amount of bandwidth the client subscribes to, and that amount is dedicated to them. UpFront Technologies offers one of the largest selections of dedicated internet access connections around, with high speed bandwidth ranging from 1.5Mbps to 40 Gbps in specific markets. Dedicated internet access is provided in different solutions depending on bandwidth requirements, including T1, DS3, T3, OC (3-192), and Ethernet Services.

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